Public tendering rules in Slovenia: how to submit a tender offer

Every year public authorities in the EU spend a substantial part of public investment on public procurement. This amounts to more than 1.9 trillion EUR or 14% of GDP, in Slovenia alone 5,8 billion EUR or 12,6% of GDP. In many sectors public authorities are even the principal buyers and, on that account, public procurement has a significant impact on the economic growth of private companies. Both, domestic and foreign.…

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Enforcement procedure recovery of debt through the Slovenian courts

Enforcement proceedings are initiated by a domestic or foreign creditor filing a motion for enforcement with the court. The court then decides on the creditor’s motion and if it grants the motion, it issues an enforcement order authorizing the proposed enforcement. Enforcement proceedings (and thus enforcement of the debtor’s obligations) can be initiated by the creditor in two ways, depending on the basis on which he files the motion for…

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Purchase of real estate in Slovenia by a foreigner: conditions for legal and natural persons

Given that the real estate market is on the rise despite the »corona crisis« and that Slovenia is a small but very culturally and regionally diverse country, with seafront, mountains, forests and lakes, a popular destination for boutique tourism, buying real estate is an interesting investment opportunity. In view of the above, this article presents the main highlights of acquiring real estate in Slovenia and the things foreign buyers need…

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Introduction to Slovenian data protection law regime

The Republic of Slovenia (hereafter referred to as Slovenia) is one of the European Union Member-States that has still not implemented a new law on data protection regarding the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter referred to as GDPR). While GDPR is directly applicable in the whole territory of the European Union, it has left several issues for consideration of its particular country. Unfortunately, in Slovenia there is…

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