Franchise Contract – Summary of the Romanian regulation

Elena Grecu – Attorney at law Mihaela Bălău – Attorney at law Franchising is a very convenient way to open a business, given the advantages it presents. In Romania, the franchise has become increasingly popular, as Romanians have recognized that it ensures for the business’ owner a concept already known to the target audience that facilitates market entry, reduced risks as well as shared costs. Definition Romania is the second…

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Franchise Contracts – Summary of the Hungarian regulation

Franchising is a very popular and effective form of economic cooperation. There are many advantages to entering into a franchise contract, or what is known as a lease contract in Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as Civil Code). In this article, we shall describe the characteristics of the franchise contract. 1. Definition For a long time, Hungarian law did not regulate franchise contracts as…

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Introduction to Romanian data protection law regime

Romania, as a Member-State of the European Union, is a subject to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter referred to as GDPR). On the basis of this act and for the purpose of its implementation, the Romanian authorities adopted a new Law no. 190/2018 (hereafter referred to as Data Protection Law), which entered into force on 31 July 2018. Besides of that, since 24 June 2018 the Law no.…

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Introduction to Slovenian data protection law regime

The Republic of Slovenia (hereafter referred to as Slovenia) is one of the European Union Member-States that has still not implemented a new law on data protection regarding the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter referred to as GDPR). While GDPR is directly applicable in the whole territory of the European Union, it has left several issues for consideration of its particular country. Unfortunately, in Slovenia there is…

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Introduction to the Polish data protection law regime

Data protection law regime in Poland, as a member of the European Union (hereafter referred as the EU), is mainly presented by national normative acts that correspond to the general EU data protection order. In 1997 Poland adopted the Personal Data Protection Act in order to implement provisions of the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/ EC. A few years later, the Telecommunications Act of 16 July 2004 defined the processing…

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Introduction to the Slovak data protection law regime

The Slovak Republic is a Member-State of the European Union, and logically it is bound by the provisions of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter referred as GDPR). With regard to that act, Slovakia adopted the Slovak Data Protection Act (Act No. 18/2018 Coll., hereinafter referred to as the Data Protection Act) in order to protect personal data, as well as to amend and supplement certain other national legal acts.…

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